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  • Writer's pictureBillie-Jean Hobbs

A little bit about me!

Hi everyone, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself. I am 24 and my partner Jamie and I are first time home owners! We have a property on 5 acres, we have 2 horses and a little border collie x red cattle dog called Cleo. We absolutely love our farm life, we're in the stages of building a chicken coop, a pig pen and purchasing cattle and sheep! We love our veggie garden and we love the idea of being self sufficient, growing our own veggies and killing our own meat.

I have been working at an accounting firm for over 3 years now, the first 2 years of my employment I was the receptionist in the firm. I loved my job, I loved talking to people and greeting people when the came in. I just found it very repetitive and I wanted to do something more, so I transitioned into a trainee accountant roll and I am loving it even more! I rally when it gets busy and I love how every job is different! Bring on the accounting world!

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Aug 05, 2020

Hi Billie! Nice to know another student in the farm life 

I love the layout of your blog, it is very welcoming and the picture of your border collie cross! So cute. I am also 24 and have a small farm life on 2 acres. Being self-sufficient is the best feeling. As a chicken owner, check out the Australorp chickens, they have got to be the best breed of chickens and can lay up to 2 eggs a day!


Jul 23, 2020

Hi Billie, that is pretty cool first home buyers. Sounds like you have a plan with the farming life. I am not sure on killing your own meat though, sounds rather gory. I hope to read some more about your journey.


Jul 22, 2020

Hi Billie! Wow! Congratulations on ownig your first house! It sounds amazing. 😁 It sounds like you know where you're going! I hope to read some more on your journey!

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